JAKARTA - Head of the Army Unit (KSAD) General Dudung Abdurachman was indifferent even though he was criticized as a 'billboard general' after giving orders to his subordinates to remove the billboard that had Rizieq Shihab's face on it.

This 'general billboard' criticism was conveyed by Deddy Corbuzier when he invited Dudung to a podcast broadcast on the Youtube channel, @Dedddy Corbuzier, Tuesday, November 30.

"You're famous for being a billboard general, so I'll ask you. Are you really, really crazy if it doesn't match what you're walking on?" asked Deddy to Dudung.

When asked that question, including the criticism of the 'billboard general', Dudung responded casually. According to him, what was done to Rizieq's billboard while serving as the Commander of the Jayakarta Regional Military Command (Pangdam Jaya) had a strong reason.

"That's how it is for me. When I entered the Jaya Regional Military Command, I saw billboards lying around, that was the tone, calls for jihad, moral revolution, billboards were also worshiped," explained Dudung.

Dudung did not act immediately, but first studied the video and the actions of the high priest of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) so far. One by one the detailed videos are plotted. Until finally, Dudung admitted to boil seeing what Rizieq did.

"I learned what this is, the previous videos of what Rizieq Shihab did, yes, I saw it. How dare he say our leadership, our president, words that are not good as citizens? Changing the name of our president is not true. Boiling My blood is hot," said Dudung.

Even so, according to the law, Dudung did not immediately take action to remove the billboards but continued to coordinate with Polda Metro Jaya and Satpol PP. Dudung has also received a letter from the mayor asking for help with his removal task.

"Finally, the Satpol PP, the Police are assisted by the TNI. Well, there is a letter from the Mayor also asking the TNI for help to bring it into order, yes, it's the same with all the police," explained Dudung.

Dudung added, before the TNI and Polri intervened, the Satpol PP often received threats after removing them. In the evening after they were removed, a member of the FPI came to the Satpol PP office threatening to re-install the billboards.

"Imagine that, so the Pol PP office in North Jakarta was visited by FPI and told to install it again (Baliho) at 11 pm. That's a joke! just!,"

"Indeed, who are they, who are they? I said the state must be present, the state must be present, if left unchecked this is a danger," said Dudung.

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