JAKARTA - Political Communication Analyst at Pelita Harapan University, Emrus Sihombing, assessed that the figure of the Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, was thick with maternal leadership qualities. Puan's nurturing character, able to create political stability, soothing communication, calm and upholding the principles are very much needed by the Indonesian nation today.

"The thing that cannot be denied is that she is a mother. It seems that in her actions she has been able to "protect" all her children. The DPR she leads is stable, she also appears as a calm, gentle person, doesn't talk much but the results of her work are real. This is exactly the quality of motherhood," Emrus said in his statement to reporters, Tuesday, November 30.

Maternal leadership, she said, tends to avoid conflicts that are destructive to unity and integrity. Instead try to make sure everything is stable, safe and calm.

"Exactly what we are seeing now. Mrs. Puan tends not to be confrontational over things that she thinks will actually make the situation worse. She prefers that everything is resolved safely, peacefully and calmly. The Arteria case, if I'm not mistaken, has a big role to play in her also, so that mediation occurs. So that's a figure of him that the public should know, "continued Emrus.

It's just clear that Ermus, many people do not understand Puan Maharani completely and deeply. In fact, the daughter of Megawati Soekarnoputri has many advantages.

"The lady is like gold for this nation," he said.

Emrus emphasized that Puan's leadership in the DPR should be followed by all politicians. Putri Taufik Kiemas is listed as a member of the DPR who has no problems.

As Chair of the DPR, Puan is able to manage all political differences so that politics in the DPR is harmonious. In fact, as the head of the faction, Puan was also able to embrace her members.

"Even when she became a minister, Puan didn't have any significant problems. And all that she achieved was inseparable from the quality of maternal leadership inherent in her," concluded Emrus.

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