JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria appreciates that the 212 Reunion by the 212 Alumni Brotherhood (PA 212) was decided not to be held in Jakarta, but in the Bogor Regency area, namely at the Azzikra Islamic Boarding School.

"Alhamdulillah, the information we received, the committee members were very wise and fair, looking for a solution, namely based on the information we received, it will be held at Ustad Arifin Ilham's place at the Azzikra Islamic Boarding School," Riza said at the Jakarta City Hall, quoted by Antara, Monday, November 29 night.

The decision, said Riza, was taken by the event committee after it was not possible to carry it out in the National Monument (Monas) area which has not been opened to the public and the Horse Statue Area because the Jakarta Metro Police did not issue a crowd permit due to the absence of a recommendation from the COVID-19 Task Force.

"The Regional Police must also have permission from the COVID-19 Task Force, the COVID-19 Task Force must also consider if given permission, worrying about transmission and so on, how about public order and others," he said.

Riza said that the selection of the location for the 212 Reunion at the Azzikra Islamic Boarding School was a good choice for the event organizers amid the desire to gather from 212 sympathizers. However, a wise decision was taken by not being held in the middle of a busy city and potentially causing the spread of COVID-19.

"This is a very good and wise decision, it is not carried out in the middle of a crowded city, does not interfere with public order, God willing, it will not be infiltrated, if the Islamic boarding school is in the mosque, God willing, it is safe, peaceful and will surely receive the pleasure of Allah SWT," he said.

Previously, the General Chair of the 212 Alumni Association (PA) Slamet Ma'arif held a meeting with the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to discuss the permit for the 212 Reunion in the Horse Statue area, Central Jakarta, on December 2, 2021. The plan was hampered by permission from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and the Metro Police. Jaya.

In the summons for the meeting, the meeting with the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government was chaired by the Assistant for DKI Jakarta Administration, Sigit Wijatmoko. The meeting was held as a follow-up to PA 212's request to hold a 212 Reunion.

The meeting was also invited by the Commander of the Jaya Regional Military Command, Major General Mulyo Aji, the Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Imran, the Mayor of Central Jakarta and several SKPD heads of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. The letter numbered 1435/-1,782 was also forwarded to the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan and Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria.

Polda Metro Jaya has not given permission regarding the 212 Reunion. Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Senior Commissioner E. Zulpan said permission has not been given because the committee has not been able to fulfill administrative requirements.

According to Zulpan, the 212 Reunion committee had applied for a permit on Thursday, November 18, 2021. However, a recommendation has not been given because the administrative completeness has not been fulfilled.

There are also administrative requirements, ranging from activity proposals to letters of recommendation from the COVID-19 Task Force. One of the things that have not been fulfilled by the 212 Reunion committee is the recommendation.

Previously, the Deputy Secretary General of the 212 Alumni Brotherhood Novel Bamukmin said his party had determined the location of the 212 Reunion in the Horse Statue area or Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta.

The preparation of the activity mechanism has been completed, just waiting for the permit.

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