MEDAN - The former treasurer of the Glugur Darat Health Center, Medan City, Esthi Wulandari, has been demanded by the Medan District Attorney (Kajari) for 7.5 years in prison. He is suspected of corrupting Rp. 2.4 billion for an online social gathering.

This demand was conveyed by the public prosecutor in a virtual trial held at the Medan District Court, Monday, November 29.

The Head of Intelligence for the Medan Kajari, Bondan Subrata when confirmed, said that the money stolen by the defendant was related to the alleged corruption of the 2019 National Health Insurance Capitation Fund (JKN) amounting to Rp. 3,496,229,000.

"The money is intended for payments for health services, purchases of drugs, medical devices and operational activities of the puskesmas," said Bondan.

According to Bondan, the corruption allegedly committed by the defendant occurred from April 2019 to December 2019. The defendant, who is a former treasurer of the Glugur Health Center, used the funds for personal gain.

"One of them is to participate in online social gathering, causing a cash shortage and resulting in a total state loss of Rp2,789,533,186," he explained.

Meanwhile in the trial, the Public Prosecutor (JPU), Fauzan, assessed that Esthi had violated Article 2 in conjunction with Article 18 paragraph I of the Corruption Eradication Law.

In addition to being charged with 7.5 years in prison, the defendant was also asked to pay a fine of Rp. 300 million, subsidiary to 6 months in prison.

In addition, the Public Prosecutor also demanded that Esti pay compensation for state losses of Rp 2,452,344,204. The provision is that the replacement fund is paid no later than a year after the decision of the inkrah.

Otherwise, the property will be confiscated for auction. However, if it is still not enough, the defendant will be subject to an additional 4 years in prison

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