JAKARTA - Masses of workers from the Congress of the Indonesian Trade Union Alliance (KASBI) are still holding a demonstration in the Horse Statue area, Gambir District, Central Jakarta.
The crowd, which tends to be small and quiet, chose to demonstrate by sitting relaxed on the asphalt of Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta.
However, the mass marches of the action were still under tight guard from the police officers dressed in complete COVID-19 PPE. The officer dressed in white PPE stood tall in front of the protesters in the first layer.
Meanwhile, in the back row members of the Policewomen were seen taking part in guarding the Horse Statue area, Central Jakarta.
From VOI's observation, the demonstrations look conducive. It's just that the orator continues to convey the demands of the workers in front of the demonstration participants and the police officers on duty.
The demonstration was held up in the Horse Statue area due to police barricades using barbed wire across two lanes of Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat.
Previously, the protesters had held an action in front of the DKI Jakarta City Hall Building. After conveying their demands to the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan regarding a 10 percent wage increase, the masses continued their steps to the Horse Statue area.
Head of KASBI Nining Elitos said that in today's action, KASBI demanded the highest government to issue a decree on living wages.
"Where the government yesterday determined a wage of 1.09 percent is a form of betrayal of the mandate of the state constitution. The state must be present to protect and improve the welfare of its people," Nining told VOI at the Horse Statue Area, Jakarta, Monday 29 November.
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