JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir has officially become an honorary member of the Versatile Ansor Front (Banser) after successfully participating in the entire series of basic education and training as a requirement to become a member.

From the video uploaded on the @erickthohir Instagram page, Erick did not hesitate to walk squatting until he fell through the 'obstacles' that had been prepared by the committee. The difference is, if the other participants' hair is cut bald, Erick is still allowed to maintain his hair.

"It is an extraordinary honor to be accepted into the Banser family. Banser is committed to jihad for the Republic of Indonesia, upholding diversity and differences that are strengths for Indonesia,"

"God willing, I will donate my mind, my energy, my ability to the truth and the welfare of society," Erick Thohir wrote on Instagram, Monday, November 29.

On the Twitter homepage, the hashtag Banser became a trending topic. Netizens are busy giving positive comments about the joining of the former Chairperson of the Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin National Campaign Team (TKN).

"Congratulations to the Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir on officially becoming a member of Banser after participating in the Education and Training activities," said a netizen with the account @seruan****

Not to be missed, netizens also shared a moment where Erick Thohir seriously participated in the training until he was pinned with a commando beret. One photo that caught the attention of Erick Thohir was appointed as the imam leading the prayers of his new friends in Banser. This photo was shared by @Bias_S**** account

"Amid the education and training of Banser members, Erick Thohir took the time to become a prayer priest," he wrote. During the prayer, Erick was seen wearing a striped shirt typical of Banser members. Quiet, shady and so solemn.

Erick Thohir in a statement to Antara admitted that he often had discussions with the Banser family in an effort to improve and maintain the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia in the future. Efforts to maintain and advance Indonesia is a noble goal and useful for future generations.

Currently, Indonesia is still facing challenges due to the pandemic, both in the health and economic sectors. Gotong royong and collaboration become the strength of the nation so that they can get out of the pandemic and be able to become a winning nation in the future.

Meanwhile, the Head of the National Coordination Unit (Kasatkornas) Banser Hasan Basri Sagala, who acted as the supervisor of the ceremony, said that the SOE Minister had been officially inaugurated as an honorary member of Banser.

No different from other prospective members, Erick also underwent a number of tests that were quite tough to become a member. Starting from squatting, crawling, looking for beret, to shouting yells.

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