JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Sufmi Dasco Ahmad supports the government in implementing a policy of adding quarantine from 3 days to 7 days to prevent the entry of the new COVID-19 variant, type B.1.1.529 or Omicron to Indonesia. According to him, one week is enough time to undergo the quarantine process.

"If the spike is not high, we think that's enough (a 7-day quarantine for foreigners, ed)," said Dasco at the DPR building, Monday, November 29.

It is known that the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus, which is said to have originated from Botswana, can spread very quickly. This variant also accelerates the decline in the immune system for those who are infected and causes death.

Even so, according to Dasco, if conditions in the future are found to have a high spike in cases, then inevitably there is a need for an additional quarantine period. In order to avoid the occurrence of repeated cases of Delta variants.

"Of course, the quarantine period for both Indonesian citizens and foreigners who come from abroad must be increased in accordance with existing protocols," said the Daily Chair of the Gerindra Party.

Previously reported, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said the government had extended the quarantine duration for travelers from abroad to 7 days.

Previously, the duration of quarantine for international travel to Indonesia was 3x24 hours. This is intended to prevent the entry of the COVID-19 variant B.1.1.529 or Omicron.

However, this quarantine does not apply to 11 countries that are prohibited from entering Indonesia. These countries are South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Mozambique, Eswatini, Malawi, Angola, Zambia and Hong Kong.

"The government will increase the quarantine time for foreigners and Indonesian citizens from abroad outside the countries that are on the list to 7 days from the previous 3 days," Luhut said in a virtual press conference, Sunday, November 28.

For the 11 countries in question, the prohibition on entry to Indonesia is valid for 14 days. The no-entry policy and extension of quarantine duration outside 11 countries will take effect from November 29, 2021.

"Therefore, the steps for tightening borders and arrivals from abroad have been taken by the government as a precautionary measure to prevent or hinder this variant of Omicron from entering Indonesia," said Luhut.

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