KARAWANG - The government of Karawang Regency, West Java, plans to evaluate the community organizations (ormas) involved in the clashes that caused casualties some time ago. Unfortunately, the district government is still shy about mentioning the organization in question.

"The point is that we will take steps (for the clash of mass organizations)," said Head of the Karawang Regency National and Political Unity Office (Kesbangpol), Rujana Ruswana in Karawang, Antara, Sunday, November 28.

One of the steps that will be taken is evaluation. Kesbangpol, said Rujana, has the authority to provide guidance to mass organizations in the area. Although he plans to carry out an evaluation, Sujana did not mention the next step if the results of the evaluation contained findings of alleged dysfunction of mass organizations.

He said that until now the number of mass organizations registered in Karawang has reached 600 organizations. However, of the 600 registered mass organizations, only about 270 mass organizations are registered.

According to him, in general, mass organizations were formed with the participation of the community to support regional/national development. For this reason, his party annually distributes operational assistance to mass organizations.

Meanwhile, the Commander of Korem 063/Sunan Gunung Jati Cirebon Colonel Inf. Elkines Vilando DK during a working visit to Karawang said that in the future the existence of NGOs/Ormas in Karawang that carried out anarchic actions needed to be reviewed.

"NGOs are non-governmental organizations, so why carry out persecution and anarchy? That is outside the context of NGOs," he said.

He said anarchic acts and provocations that made Karawang unsafe are not the hallmarks of NGOs.

Under applicable regulations, one of the objectives of NGOs or mass organizations is to assist or be actively involved in regional development and development. "So it's strange, why is there persecution by NGOs, there are provocations that make Karawang unsafe," he said.

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