JAKARTA - University of Indonesia health science expert Prof. Tjandra Yoga Aditama said the World Health Organization (WHO) classifies the new Omicron variant into the category of highest alertness or variant of concern (VOC) based on observations of rapid mutation development. WHO's Technical Advisory Group on SARS-CoV-2 Virus Evolution (TAG-VE)," said Professor of Lung at FKUI Prof. Tjandra Yoga Aditama, who was confirmed in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Sunday, November 28. Tjandra said the B virus was 1.1,529. was named Omicron after it was officially grouped in the VOC category with Alpha (B 1.1.7), Beta (B 1.351), Gamma (P1) and Delta (B 1.617.2). According to the former Director of Infectious Diseases of WHO Southeast Asia, the VOC variant has characteristics more easily transmissible, causes more severe disease, significantly reduces neutralization by antibodies, can reduce the effectiveness of treatment, vaccines or diagnosis dis. "The main consideration is because of the number of mutations that occur, some say 30 in the spike protein and some say up to 50 total mutations," he said.

According to Tjandra Omicron, this is the most mutations of the COVID-19 virus that has occurred so far and some of these mutations are new types. In addition, there is also the possibility of re-infection to an attack on the immune system. "In recent weeks the number of cases has risen sharply in almost all South African provinces. Previously in Europe, only Belgium was found, then since yesterday there have been three other countries, Germany, England and Italy, apart from Israel and Hong Kong, so they have crossed continents," he said. Tjandra added that WHO grouped Omicron variants in the VOC on November 26, 2021 since the first time the virus was confirmed on November 9, 2021. "WHO is very quick to classify Omicron in the VOC. So the distance between the virus found and declared as VOC is only 17 days," he said.

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