JAKARTA - The Regent of Jepara Dian Kristiandi suddenly became a teacher in an inspiring class at SMPN 1 Kembang, Friday, November 26 yesterday. The regent even gave laptops to students who managed to answer their questions.

At least 80 students had the opportunity to receive Regent Dian's lesson. The teaching is also different. If students usually get learning from the teacher in the classroom, this time they are learning in the school yard.

The regent, who is familiarly called Andi, also has more dialogue with students. He encourages students to be more daring to appear and have aspirations in the future. This must be instilled in students, so that they have the confidence to move forward.

"Does anyone know what the principal's job is? If you know, please come forward," Andi asked, quoted from the Jepara Diskominfo.

Of the 80 students who took the inspirational class, only one child raised a finger, namely Nailun Nikmah. He was then asked by the regent to come forward, and answer the questions raised.

"In my opinion, the principal's job is to take care of and manage teachers and students at the school," said Nailun.

Hearing Nailun's answer, the regent then completed the answer and gave Nailun a laptop as a gift.

Actually, what the regents want is not whether the answer is correct or not, but rather their courage to come forward.

"Everyone should point their fingers, even if they are wrong. To know the answer is right, it must be wrong first. Because of the courage to answer, I gave him a laptop," Andi said to the applause of the participants.

Not only that, Andi also asked the students if anyone wanted to be a teacher. Of them, it turned out that many raised their hands, and wanted to become teachers. There were about 12 children who raised their hands and dreamed of becoming teachers. They were then asked by the regent to come forward, and give answers one by one.

One of them is Fara Amelia, according to her, she wants to be a teacher because the knowledge gained can later be distributed to children in the future. For them to be successful. The key to success is to study hard and not give up and pray.

Likewise Nanda, who considers being a teacher is a noble profession.

According to him, by becoming a teacher, you can distribute knowledge with pleasure and sincerity. In addition, pride can lead children to their goals.

Andi said he was happy with the students. Seeing their activity, Andi advised the teacher to direct and guide them to achieve their goals.

"Of course not only being a teacher, but also other professions that they want to pursue in the future," he said.

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