JAKARTA - The Chief of the Indonesian National Police (Kapolri), General Police Listyo Sigit Prabowo, is coordinating with related parties to overcome obstacles to accelerating vaccination in Maluku Province.

While reviewing Indonesia's Simultaneous Vaccination in Bogor Regency, West Java, Saturday, November 27, he held a video conference with his staff and other parties in Maluku, and received reports of problems in the distribution and storage of vaccinations in the Spice Islands.

"We will inform you later regarding the storage and distribution system. So that the vaccine remains good," he said, quoted in a written statement from the Public Relations Division of the Indonesian Police, quoted by Antara.

Through this coordination, he will continue to monitor the implementation of vaccinations in Maluku Province.

"In the next two weeks I will check what the achievements are like. I think with the enthusiasm that the achievements can be carried out," he said.

Maluku Province is one and four provinces (along with Riau, Lampung, and Southeast Sulawesi) which are highlighted by the COVID-19 Handling Task Force because of the lowest level of community compliance with health protocols.

The Task Force for Handling COVID-19 also mentioned that the four provinces are among the 22 provinces in Indonesia whose percentage of achieving the second dose of COVID-19 vaccination is below the national achievement.

Besides Maluku, the two also monitor the progress of vaccination in Aceh Province virtually. He appreciated and thanked all religious leaders, community leaders, and traditional leaders who had played an active role in accelerating vaccination in Aceh.

"I believe with the help of all existing figures, the acceleration of vaccination for Aceh can be carried out," said Sigit.

He admitted that he would continuously monitor the acceleration of vaccination in Aceh, and ensure that the TNI and Polri are ready to work day and night.

"Of course we will continue to monitor it. If the stock starts to run out, we will immediately inform you so we can distribute it," he said.

While greeting Papua, he emphasized that all relevant agencies and the community continue to work together in order to accelerate the formation of immunity and immunity of citizens against the corona virus.

According to him, the XX/2021 PON event in Papua has been a success, but the achievement of vaccination in the easternmost province of Indonesia needs to be increased through accelerated vaccination, so he emphasized, accelerated vaccination so that the Papuan people have immunity and immunity.

He also reminded that a number of countries are still experiencing fluctuations in the number of COVID-19 and some are even increasing, including Germany. "I hope that the vaccination for Papua will be accelerated so that the people are all in strong condition, with more immunity in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic situation," he said.

On that occasion, he received a report that throughout Indonesia there were no more people who did not want or refused to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Not to forget, he expressed his appreciation to all ranks of the TNI-Polri, health workers, local governments, Forkopimda, vaccine interpreters, volunteers and other elements of society who continue to try to accelerate vaccination even on holidays like today.

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