BATAM - Mayor of Batam, Riau Islands, Muhammad Rudi reminded residents to continue to wear masks in order to minimize the transmission of COVID-19, especially in recent days the number of residents exposed to the corona virus has increased.

"Reports are starting to get infected with COVID-19 again. I entrust it, please help yourself and the community. Let's wear masks," said the Mayor in Batam, quoted by Antara, Friday, November 26.

In the last three months, the number of COVID-19 transmissions in Batam has continued to decline. Even for several consecutive days in early November 2021, it was reported that there were no residents who were confirmed positive for COVID-19.

However, continued Rudi, on Thursday, November 25, an additional two people were recorded to be exposed to the corona virus, up to a total of five people who are still being treated.

According to Rudi, currently COVID-19 in Batam is getting weaker, along with the increase in the immune system of local residents with vaccine injections. However, it is not an antidote to the virus.

"But you will still enter if you don't wear a mask. Let's wear a mask so that Batam is free from COVID-19," the Mayor of Batam urged.

He expressed optimism that Batam would soon become a COVID-19 green zone. Rudi also believes that five residents who are still confirmed to be active with COVID-19 will soon recover, the addition of new cases will continue to decrease to nil.

"Hopefully, we hope they recover, Batam returns to zero cases of COVDI-19 again. Because they have no symptoms, people are healthy," said Rudi.

In addition, the mayor of Batam reminded the public to return to preparing for a normal life in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, without receiving various facilities from the government.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, he continued, the government has provided a lot of relaxation to make life easier for people.

However, he could not confirm whether a similar relaxation would still be given in 2022. Therefore, the public must be prepared.

"Let's get up together, without government assistance, the city's economy must run. I have prepared, even though COVID-19 continues to build, so that Batam is great in the future," said the mayor.

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