JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) emphasized that there should be no more illegal trade in ornamental corals carried out in various national waters because it is not in line with the blue economy principles proclaimed by the government. taking nature," said Plt. Pamuji Lestari emphasized that the KKP strictly regulates coral harvesting and coral cultivation in all Indonesian waters in accordance with the Job Creation Act to prevent coral trafficking. He regrets that there are still cases of illegal coral trafficking perpetrators, even though the procedures for taking ornamental corals in nature and cultivation have been regulated by the government and can be carried out by the community by following the applicable regulations.

As reported, the KKP through the Denpasar Coastal and Marine Resources Management Center (BPSPL), the Directorate General of Marine Spatial Management (Ditjen PRL) for the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province Work Area has released the confiscated coral/ornamental coral with the Law Enforcement Unit of the Polairud Polda. West Nusa Tenggara off Montong Beach, Meninting Village, Batu Layar District, West Lombok Regency on 20 November 2021. The head of BPSPL Denpasar, Permana Yudiarso explained that 60 Styrofoam boxes were found containing 2,520 pcs of live coral (ornamental corals) in a truck. he said, the truck driver, kernet and evidence were handed over to the Law Enforcement Unit of the Polairud Directorate of the West Nusa Tenggara Police for further legal proceedings. , but not labeled (tagging) and the adhesive material between the ornamental coral and the te substrate "It looks new," he said. In addition, Yudiarso said, it was clear that the new broken coral fragments at the base of the ornamental coral were caused by prying with hard or sharp objects. Furthermore, Yudiarso added that the size of the ornamental corals varied from 10 cm to 15 cm. dominated by the genus Euphyllia spp. and the massive coral Goniopora spp. The growth rate of this ornamental coral is relatively slow, about 30 mm/year and 11 mm/year respectively. It is said that the ornamental corals came from the waters of the Sape Strait, Bima Regency and were sent to Denpasar, Bali and Banyuwangi, East Java. According to the blue economy policy implemented by the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, the sea and coral reefs cannot be separated considering their mutually sustainable roles and can support the economic needs and welfare of the community.

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