JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya has stated that it will take firm action against the Pancasila Youth (PP) who were involved in persecuting Polri members. So far, 15 people have been named as suspects.

Where, this case began when PP held a demonstration in the DPR RI area on Thursday, November 25. However, the demonstration suddenly turned violent.

In fact, the Head of Ditlantas Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya, AKBP Dermawan Karosekali who was regulating traffic flow became the target of persecution. However, until now it is not clear what triggered the persecution.

As a result of the abuse, AKBP Dermawan Karosekali suffered injuries in several parts of his body. In fact, have to undergo treatment in the hospital.

The attack sparked the anger of other police officers. Director of Traffic Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Police Sambodo Purnomo Yogo 'raged' after.

"Who hit my men? Here...you are here. I am the commander. Who hit my men?" snapped Sambodo in the crowd

Sambodo vented his anger at the Pemuda Pancasila command car. He also looks furious as he points his index finger at the car loudspeaker.

One member of Pemuda Pancasila who was in the loudspeaker car responded to Sambodo's anger.

"Don't be rude to us, sir," said a member of Pemuda Pancasila.

In addition, Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Hengki Haryadi also responded to the beating. He immediately rose above the command of the protesters and vented his anger.

“Once again I ask the coordinator of this activity to immediately submit. Do not taint the actions of colleagues with activities that are actually against the law. We, who served our colleagues, took care of us, but were beaten and beaten. Is this what you came here for?" said Hengki

Hengki asked the action coordinator to hand over the perpetrators. If not, his party will take action against the perpetrators of beating the police officers.

"Our members were injured, were we harsh with you? Or hindered your activities? I asked the witness who saw it to hand over, the law must be enforced. the head of the Pancasila Youth of Central Jakarta, but instead our members were persecuted by their own colleagues. I asked to be handed over or we were chased, "said Hengki.

On the other hand, in the development of the handling of this case, 15 people have been named as suspects. In fact, from the evidence that was secured there were two bullets.

Merto Jaya Police General Crime Director Kombes Tubagus Ade Hidayat said the two bullets were strongly suspected to have come from revolvers.

"The evidence in front of this consists of various kinds, one of which is carrying two rounds of bullets which are suspected to have caliber 38 that belonged to a revolver," said Tubagus.

With the findings of the bullet, said Tubagus, his party will explore its ownership. So, it is not impossible that there will be other suspects in this series of cases.

"The development of where he got it and what it's used for, it could be very possible that the weapon could be very possible," said Tubagus.

With the evidence and the arrest, the police temporarily applied two articles. The first relates to persecution and the second relates to possession of sharp weapons and bullets.

"Article 2 of the emergency law, another thing that is still being investigated is the alleged Article 170 of the Criminal Code," said Tubagus.

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