MAKASSAR - The South Sulawesi Provincial Government (South Sulawesi Provincial Government) was urged to fight the practice of land mafia, following one of the government's assets in the reclamation area of the Center Point of Indonesia (CPI) Jalan Metro Tanjung has been taken by the private sector through execution by the Makassar District Court.

"That's part of the work of the land mafia. The provincial government must not remain silent about this issue. The legal bureau must immediately take legal steps to submit a PK (Review)," said Chairman of Commission A of the South Sulawesi DPRD, Selle KS Dalle, at the South Sulawesi DPRD office, Makassar, Thursday, November 25.

He explained that the land claimed by the private sector was on growing land prior to reclamation. In fact, the South Sulawesi Provincial Government has verified it as an asset. But lately there are private parties claiming the land belongs to them, even the court won.

The main problem in this case, said Selle, is because the developer of CPI's reclamation, PT Ciputra Group, has not yet fulfilled its obligation to show where the replacement land is located on the problematic growing land.

"Sometimes the growing land is defeated (won by the private sector). As far as I know, the growing land existed before reclamation, why does it have it. Suddenly there is also a court decision, this is clearly a trick," he said.

Selle suspects that the land grab is a game pattern of land mafia practices. The land was then tried to be played to avoid responsibility from the local government.

"This has been a national issue so far. That there is no place for the land mafia, including the KPK's affirmation. All stakeholders who are directly related to land issues must be committed together," said Selle.

He hopes that the old patterns allegedly played by people in the government and land agencies have been abandoned, or there are no indications of 'flirting', because the legal consequences are clear if they are involved.

Previously, the Makassar District Court execution team executed 1.5 hectares of land claimed by the South Sulawesi Provincial Government in the Center Points of Indonesia (CPI) area, Jalan Metro Tanjung Bunga, Makassar, South Sulawesi on Wednesday, November 24, 2021.

The land execution in Maccini Sombala Village, Tamalate Sub-district, almost caused a riot between the parties who claimed each other.

The plaintiff, PT Gihon Abadi Jaya, claimed the land was his, after winning the lawsuit by defeating the South Sulawesi Provincial Government on the basis of ownership of a Hak Guna Bangunan (HGB) certificate at the court level.

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