SIMEULUE - The government of Simeulue Regency, Aceh, requires more than 1,000 teachers to be placed in various schools in the island district in the Indian Ocean.

The Head of the Simeulue Regency Education Office, Rasmidin, said that currently schools on Simeulue Island still lacked many teachers.

"There are hundreds of schools on Simeulue Island, both elementary, junior high, to high school and equivalent. There are currently around a thousand teachers," said Rasmidin.

According to Rasmidin, the shortage of teachers is not only classroom teachers, but also guidance or counseling teachers as well as teachers in the field of study. Every school should have a guidance teacher and a field of study.

Rasmidin said the cause of the lack of teachers in Simeulue Regency was due to many factors. Like someone who moved assignments, retired, and died.

"So far, to meet the needs of teachers, this has been carried out by regional contracts. We hope that there will be additional teachers with civil servant status," said Rasmidin.

"However, the results of the selection are not sufficient for the needs of teachers in Simeulue Regency. We continue to strive to meet the needs of these teachers in order to improve the quality of education in this area," said Rasmidin.

Regarding the quality of education, Rasmidin said that the Simeulue Regency Government through the Education Office continues to carry out various teacher trainings.

In addition, the Education Office also recommends school teachers to obtain competency certificates. Then, provide skills training to school principals.

"We are making many more efforts. As for competence, only 333 teachers in Simeulue Regency have competency certificates. The rest, we are trying to get them to take competency exams," said Rasmidin.

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