JAKARTA - The Central Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit has again named one suspect in the extortion case with the initials RM, a member of an NGO. The determination of the suspect against RM was carried out from the results of the case title.

"The suspect RM participated with the suspect KPP coming to the Menteng Police Station to extort and documenting photos and videos of activities while meeting the extortion victims. RM participated in receiving the extortion proceeds," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol. Hengki Haryadi, Tuesday, November 23.

The investigation process continues to be carried out by the East Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit. The police chief also said that it is possible that there will be additional suspects in the extortion case against the victims of the Menteng Metro Police.

"Investigations are continuous, it is very possible to add new suspects," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation at the Central Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Wisnu Wardana, said that the suspect with the initials RM joined the suspect KP in coming to the Menteng Police Sector together. RM played a role in assisting KP in recording video at the victim's meeting.

"So he (RM) knew about the extortion. Then from this person he received funds from the extortion amounting to Rp. 5 million," said Kompol Wisnu to VOI.

From suspect RM's confession to the police, he used the money for his personal needs.

"The role of RM is to help do video documentation and then receive a number of funds," he said.

Although they have named two suspects in the extortion case, the police continue to deepen their investigation.

"Still under development, because we are concentrating on determining the status of the ones we secured yesterday. So today there are two statuses that we have raised to suspect," he said.

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