JAKARTA - Vice President (Vice President) and Chairman of the Advisory Council of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Ma'ruf Amin emphasized that MUI is a partner of the Indonesian government in tackling and eradicating criminal acts of terrorism. because from the start, MUI has been the government's partner in countering terrorism," said Ma'ruf Amin in his statement, in Jakarta, Tuesday. in jihad efforts. The MUI fatwa was then used as a reference by various institutions in countering terrorism in Indonesia. "In terms of terrorism, I think the MUI has made a fatwa on terrorism as an act that is unlawful and does not include jihad," he emphasized. establish cooperation and coordination with the Government, in this case the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs (Kemenko Polhukam) in countering terrorism and radicalization. terrorism (BNPT), to disseminate terrorism prevention and deradicalization. In 2016, the TPT was reactivated by Ma'ruf Amin, who was then General Chair of the MUI, to cooperate with the Government in countering terrorism. at the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs continues to carry out socialization efforts in am in order to counteract theorism, counter radicalism," he said again.

In fact, he also said, TPT MUI together with the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs initiated the formation of BNPT. MUI Fatwa Commission Ahmad Zain An Najah along with two other missionaries, Farid Okban and Anung Al Hamat, were arrested by the Special Detachment (Densus) 88 Anti-Terror Police on Tuesday (16/11) in Bekasi, West Java. because he was suspected of being involved in the management of the wing organization under Jamaah Islamiyah (JI). The National Police imposed Article 4 of Law Number 9 of 2013 concerning the Prevention and Eradication of Criminal Acts of Financing of Terrorism to the three ulama. Chairman of the Sharia Board of the Baitul Mal Amil Zakat Institution Abdurrahman bin Auf (LAM BM ABA) and Farid Okbah are members of the Sharia Board of LAM BM ABA. Meanwhile, Anung Al Hamat is the founder of Perisai Nusantara Esa, the JI wing organization.

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