BANDUNG - West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil revealed, throughout October 2021 there had been 500 natural disasters in the West Java region and the majority of these disasters were hydrometeorological disasters or those that occurred by meteorological parameters such as rainfall, humidity, temperature, and wind.

"As of today, from October (2021) alert one has been submitted, there have been 500 disaster reports. Hopefully, the numbers will decrease from year to year and we can focus on building a better West Java," said Ridwan Kamil after becoming Inspector of Ceremony for Preparedness for Facing Potential Disasters on Jalan Diponegoro, Bandung City, reported by Antara, Tuesday, November 23.

He said, behind the extraordinary beauty of West Java, there is also a great potential for disaster and based on the records compiled by his party from year to year the number of natural disaster events is always dynamic.

"This adjusts more or less above 1,500-2,000 disaster reports. The majority are hydrological, on average, from Central Java to North Java, which are flooded, Central Java to South West Java are landslides," he said. According to him, the BMKG has also given warnings in the form of predictions. rainy season weather with very extreme rainfall and it will last until December 2021 to January 2022.

"So that from October we have been on alert and now the reinforcement is visiting the troops again. It has been seen that West Java disaster forces are very ready. There are new equipment, sophisticated public kitchens from the Kodam complement the existing public kitchens from various institutions including the police, Basarnas, social services and others," he said.

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