JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Alexander Marwata asked law enforcement officers (APH) such as the prosecutor's office, police, and auditors to share perceptions in efforts to handle corruption. This similarity is important so that there is no disparity that interferes with the handling of corruption cases.

This was conveyed by Alexander when giving a speech and opening the Joint Training to Improve the Capability of Law Enforcement Officials (APH) in Handling Corruption Cases (Tipikor) in the Papua Province Region, Sentani, Monday, November 22.

He gave an example when he was a judge, he often saw differences in the process of handling corruption cases by law enforcement officers.

"There are so many disparities that disturb the sense of justice. We need a common understanding because the laws and regulations are the same," Alexander said as quoted from his written statement, Tuesday, November 23.

For this reason, continued Alexander, the KPK continues to initiate synergy with all agencies. Some of them are the development of an online SPDP system as a reporting system for handling corruption cases and carrying out coordination and supervision of handling corruption cases together with representatives from the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit and Jampidsus Attorney General's Office.

In addition, the KPK also provides assistance or facilitation to the prosecutor's office and the police in handling corruption cases that are experiencing obstacles. "And carry out training in order to improve the ability of APH in the region," said Alexander.

Furthermore, with the existence of this joint training forum, in the future, the pattern of actions in handling corruption cases can be more uniform. Including, said Alexander, encouraging the application of the ML article in handling corruption cases.

"The aim is to maximize the return of state financial losses and seize assets from the corruption proceeds," said Alexander.

For information, the training will last for four days from November 22 to 25 with a total of 50 participants consisting of 26 investigators at the Papua Regional Police, 12 Prosecutors at the Papua High Prosecutor's Office, and 3 auditors each at BPKP Papua Province Representative, Auditor at BPK Representatives of Papua Province, Auditors at the Papua Province Inspectorate, and Judges at the Jayapura High Court.

For four days, training materials will be given to each resource person in their respective fields, namely those related to Customary Law, Money Laundering, Procurement of Goods and Services, and State/Regional Finances.

This Joint Training in Papua Province is the fourth training carried out by the KPK in 2021. Apart from Papua, the other four regions are North Sulawesi, West Java, East Java, and Riau.

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