JAKARTA - The Ministry of Manpower hopes that there will no longer be a gap between the wages received by female and male workers because the provision of wages based on gender is not regulated in the regulations, said the Special Staff of the Ministry of Manpower Hindun Anisah. "We also want to increase the level of women's participation in the world of work. , because so far the participation rate of the female workforce is only 53 percent and the percentage is still lower than that of male workers, the percentage has reached 80 percent," she said at the Forum Group Discussion (FGD) on Increasing the Participation of Women Workers in Kudus, as reported by Antara, Monday, November 23. She admits that the low participation of women in the world of work is one of the factors because it is related to culture and community views. There are still many polemics concerning women in the world of work, so this is a challenge.

In fact, he said, the highest poverty rate was occupied by women, because they did not have an income and a structure and culture that did not support them to earn an income. The Ministry of Manpower itself, he said, has a number of programs to increase their participation in the world of work and provide additional income for women. "In the Ministry of Manpower there is also a unit tasked with increasing female workers in the business world," he said. For Kudus Regency itself, it is recognized that there are quite a lot of female workers, but in terms of the meaning of recognition in the quality of women's work which needs to be improved so that there must be strengthening of female workers so that they can occupy the "middle up" position. With the many proposals from FGD participants, said Hindun Anisah., her party immediately followed up and coordinated with the relevant ministries. The Ministry of Manpower itself has issued a circular regarding workers in the informal sector or for domestic workers. The chairman of the Indonesian Employers' Association (APINDO) Kudus Bambang Sumadiyono considers that companies in Kudus so far have given women workers the same rights as men, so there is no difference in wages. received.

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