JAMBI - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) of Jambi Province appealed to the public to increase their awareness of heavy rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds.

"In the Jambi region there is still the potential for heavy rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds, especially on November 20 and 22," said Jambi Province BMKG Head Ibnu Sulistyo in Jambi, as reported by Antara, Friday, November 19.

Heavy rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds is more common in the central part of Jambi to the eastern part of Jambi. Residents are advised to be vigilant because the heavy rain can cause puddles of water on the highway. Then make a slippery road that could cause an accident.

Ibnu Sulistyo explained that the heavy rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds was caused by the convergence of air masses. In addition, the Jambi region is currently entering the peak period of the rainy season, namely the November-December 2021 period.

Some areas in Jambi Province that have the potential to receive rainfall of 100 mm/dasarian or more are in parts of Merangin, Sarolangun and Tanjung Jabung Timur regencies.

"The peak of the rainy season in Jambi starts from the third of November to the third of December in 2021," said Ibnu Sulistyo. Heavy rain accompanied by lightning will occur in the afternoon towards the afternoon. BMKG Jambi Province predicts that in November to December, more rain will occur around 14.00 WIB to 18.00 WIB. Then also vulnerable time at night until the early hours of 22.00 WIB to 04.00 WIB.

Meanwhile, the forecast for wave heights in the eastern waters of Jambi in the next one week ranges from 0.5-1.25 meters. Especially on November 26, it is estimated that the wave height will reach 1.5 meters.

Therefore BMKG urges fishermen to increase vigilance, especially fishing boats. In addition, people living in the eastern coastal waters of Jambi are also advised to be aware of coastal flooding, considering the potential for coastal flooding to occur in the eastern waters of Jambi.

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