JAKARTA - The Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil, has ensured that the Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP) in 2022 will increase. This decision was taken to follow the decisions of the central government as well as to provide justice for workers and employers.

The determination of the 2022 UMP is based on Law 11/2020 on Job Creation and its derivative PP 36/2021 on Wages. Aims to provide protection to workers/laborers so that their wages are not paid too low due to their weak bargaining position in the labor market.

According to the Governor, the UMP policy is one of the national strategic programs aimed at reducing poverty as well as encouraging Indonesia's economic progress through fair and competitive wages.

"So the conclusion is that if you ask whether the UMP will increase for next year? Yes, the conclusion will increase," said Ridwan Kamil in his official statement, Friday, November 19, quoted from Antara.

Ridwan Kamil also reminded that the determination of the UMP is only for workers/laborers whose working age is one year. As for workers/ laborers with a working period of more than 1 year, the prevailing wages shall be based on the structure and scale of wages.

That is, workers can negotiate with the company directly for the determination of wages if the work period is more than one year.

An example is the case in Majalengka Regency, where the company took the initiative to increase wages after negotiating with its workers.

"We also remind that this minimum wage is only for workers who are one year of working age. So that workers who are over one year of working age can apply for an increase that is not the same as in PP 36/2021 by negotiating directly with the company. the increase is in accordance with the agreement," said Ridwan Kamil.

"Take an example in Majalengka, there are companies that raise on their own initiative after negotiating with workers who are different from the UMP. That is the negotiation space so that companies can negotiate," he said.

However, there has been no official statement on the number of UMP increases that will be hammered by Kang Emil.

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