JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly Hidayat Nur Wahid (HNW) firmly rejects the discourse of dissolving the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), after the arrest of MUI Fatwa Council member Zain An-Najah by the National Police Anti-terror Detachment 88 for allegedly being involved in terrorism. HNW reminds Muslims and the state to Be wary of movements that ride on the issue of terrorism by arresting one of the members of the MUI leadership for another agenda. Namely, terror against MUI by fabricating discourse to disband MUI. In the midst of concerns over the rise of a new style of communism, free sex on campus as a result of Permendikbudristek 30/2021 and the Papuan KKB terrorism, all of which were rejected by MUI, according to HNW, the discourse to disband MUI deserves to be criticized. Another is to dissolve MUI.

"If so, then this is an Islamophobic agenda and harassment of religious institutions, including moderate Islam," said HNW to reporters, Friday, November 19. If successful with the disbandment of MUI as a gathering institution for moderate Islamic organizations, at least copying/framing, continued HNW, it will spread mutual suspicion and distrust, even the people could be scattered which could increase the potential to be pitted against each other. "So that it widens disharmony and division among the nation's children, which in the end will also weaken the joints of the Republic of Indonesia," he said.

The PKS politician emphasized that the legal and formal organization that was established on July 26, 1975 is a forum for deliberations of ulama, zuama, and Muslim scholars throughout Indonesia. Both individuals and those gathered in Islamic religious organizations in the spirit of wasathiyah Islam (moderate), ukhuwah Islamiyah and ukhuwah wathaniyah.

"So the national attitude of the MUI has been very clear, namely encouraging Wasathiyah Islam (moderate) and inter-religious harmony, and rejecting the ideology of radicalism, Islamophobia, terrorism, communism, and separatism," said HNW.

The member of Commission VIII of the DPR explained that MUI is one of the icons of moderate Islam in Indonesia, led by the General Chairperson of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), namely KH Miftakhul Ahyar and the Secretary General of Muhammadiyah, namely Amirsyah Tambunan. In fact, the chairman of the MUI Advisory Council is also KH. Ma'ruf Amin who is the former Chairman of the MUI and now serves as the Vice President (Vice President) of the Republic of Indonesia.

According to HNW, religious communities, especially Muslims, feel the real benefits of MUI's presence in matters of religious moderation in Indonesia and strengthening the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Therefore, HNW considers that the discourse on the dissolution of MUI does not come from those who are sincere in fighting terrorism. But there are parties who take advantage of the issue of terrorism allegedly involving one of the members of the MUI leadership for the purpose of disbanding, weakening and dividing the people, whether they realize it or not, can lead to the weakening of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Zain An-Najah's. Zain has been disabled by MUI from membership, management until there is a final decision from the court. According to him, this is evidence that MUI rejects terrorism and supports the eradication of terrorism. He also emphasized that the arrest case was not related to the MUI organization/institution and left it to the legal process while still prioritizing the principle of presumption of innocence. This includes fulfilling the principles of justice and granting rights to suspects.

"This warning should also be addressed to Densus 88 regarding cases of alleged involvement with terrorism suspected of Ustadz Farid Okbah and others. It is also very good if MUI in addition to its appeal so that the community is not provoked, maintains inter-religious harmony, and the public benefit, also criticizes performance from Densus 88 to be truly professional, fair and impartial," he said.

HNW also rejected the provocation for the dissolution of the MUI because the individual case is still in the suspect status. According to him, it is very unfortunate if the case that befell these individuals is connected with the demands for the dissolution of the MUI organization. If it is generalized, said HNW, then no institutions including state institutions such as the Constitutional Court (MK), Supreme Court (MA), DPR, DPD, KPK, President Jokowi's Cabinet, political parties and even the police have escaped the cases that occurred with the individual members or their leaders are involved in the law. "For each individual case, what happens is that the 'persons' involved are enforced by legal rules/stipulations, but no one demands that the institution be disbanded," said HNW.

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