BOGOR - Another volunteer movement that supports the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan to run in the 2024 presidential election was formed. These volunteers call themselves Together Anies We Are Ready (ACTION).

The coordinator of BERAKSI volunteers, Gunawan Zulkarnaen, said that volunteers consisted of various backgrounds and ages ranging from agriculture, breeders, MSMEs, creative economy, laborers, women and millennials.

The movement made a declaration on Thursday, November 18 in support of Anies Baswedan running for the 2024 presidential election. From Bogor, BERAKSI will design similar declarations in other cities or regencies in West Java Province.

Zulkarnaen said that Anies Baswedan had not declared himself to run in the 2024 election contestation.

However, with continuous support, it is not impossible that Anies Baswedan will continue to explore political battles in the future.

"The preparation of this declaration is very pressed for time, but Alhamdulillah, the committee was able to work well," he said as quoted by Antara, Friday, November 19.

He revealed that Anies Baswedan is considered to have skills in Indonesian leadership, which is religious and intelligent.

Supporters of the ACTION movement, he said, hoped that Anies could carry out bureaucratic reforms and improvements from various sides of the government.

"After today's declaration, we will move to remote areas of Bogor and other regions in Indonesia to spread the spirit of supporting Mas Anies," he said.

One of the movement's members, Afgan, said that as a millennial, he hoped that his master could provide a bureaucratic breakthrough from manual to increasingly massive digitalization.

"Millennials like simple things, so they have to adapt to an all-digital era," he said.

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