KSP Moeldoko: Human Rights Are Not To Be Feared But Respected
KSP Moeldoko met with the Kamisan Action protesters in Semarang, with Komnas HAM Commissioner Beka Ulung Hapsara (ANTARA/HO-KSPP)

SEMARANG - Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) Moeldoko was a speaker at the 2021 Human Rights Festival in Semarang, Thursday, November 18.

In his speech, Moeldoko emphasized that human rights should be respected, not feared.

"Human rights are not to be feared. We must not be afraid of human rights. Because human rights are to be respected. Not to be feared," said Moeldoko as quoted in a press release by KSP.

Moeldoko emphasized that respect and protection of human rights is always prioritized in every decision taken by the government, even though there are policies that are forced to reduce the freedom of the community to enjoy their rights.

Moeldoko gave an example of restricted community activities in the context of handling the pandemic.

“Even the funeral process has a protocol. However, the limitation of these rights is carried out for the common good," he explained.

He added that human rights is a problem that cannot only be solved by the government or certain institutions. He stressed that all parties must come down together.

"Not to blame each other, but to contribute to each other," he asserted.

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