JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the House of Representatives, Prince Khairul Saleh, assessed that the steps taken by the National Police Anti-terror Detachment 88 which arrested three suspected terrorists, one of whom was registered as a member of the MUI Fatwa Commission, was not an attempt to build a bad stigma for an institution. as a dai, and the other is listed as a member of the MUI Fatwa Commission, not from an effort to build a bad stigma against the role of dai and MUI institutions," he said, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, November 17. The prince considered that the arrest of Densus 88 was an ordinary action in an effort to prevent acts of terrorism because the arrested perpetrators had been targeted by Densus 88 over a long period of time and with strong evidence. terrorism must be directed to investigate and thoroughly arrest the mastermind of terrorism itself, because It is possible that intelligence and funds from abroad play a role, such as the KKB terrorist act in Papua," he said. That's, according to him, because after all, the existence of the MUI is an inseparable part of the role of Muslims in strengthening the home of the NKRI so that it is obligatory to jointly safeguard the honorable role of the institution.

Previously, the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Public Relations Division, Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan, revealed that the three suspected terrorists arrested in Bekasi had roles as administrators and the Syuro Council of Jamaah Islamiyah (JI). , and FAO, all of whom were arrested in Bekasi, West Java.

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