JAKARTA - The perpetrator of the murder of the woman with the initials AO (36) at the Margonda Residence 5 Depok apartment was arrested by the police. The police concluded that the perpetrator, FM, had planned the murder.

Kapolresta Depok Kombes Azis Ardiansyah said the murder plan was carried out by the perpetrator by renting an apartment unit which was the location of the incident.

"According to witness testimony, he rented it for 5 hours," Azis told reporters, Wednesday, August 5.

In addition, the police found elements of the crime of theft in this murder incident. This is because the valuables belonging to AO were taken by FM.

"Some of the items missing included the victim's cell phone, ring and motorcycle," said Azis.

Because of this, FM was charged with Article 340 of the Criminal Code concerning premeditated murder and Article 365 of the Criminal Code concerning theft with violence which resulted in the victim's death.

"The threat of punishment against this article is the death penalty or life sentence," said Azis.

The murder case was first discovered when the apartment manager reported the finding of a female corpse in a unit on the night of Tuesday, August 4.

The woman's body was facedown, her hands tied and her mouth closed with duct tape. In addition, scars were also found on the head and forehead, thought to have been hit by a hammer.

Police arrested the perpetrator several hours after the discovery of the body. Azis said, based on tracing the victim's cellphone, the perpetrator could be pursued.

With the instructions on the cellphone, the perpetrators were searched from the boarding house to the place of work. Until finally he was caught in the Bekasi area, West Java.

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