JAKARTA - The Depok Metro Police will carry out Zebra Jaya Operations starting from November 15 - 28, 2021, focusing on two locations, namely Jalan Raya Bogor and Jalan Raya Sawangan Depok. The targets of the violation are noisy exhaust (brong exhaust), the use of a rotator or strobe, and illegal racing.

"The target point is still on the protocol road as well as Jalan Raya Sawangan and Jalan Raya Bogor and for the number of joint personnel we have deployed in the 2021 Zebra operation, there are 185 members consisting of the Transportation Agency, Satpol PP, Firefighters, and Kodim," explained the Head of Traffic Police at the Resort Police. Depok Metro Police Commissioner Jhoni Eka Putra told reporters, Monday, November 15.

Jhoni also explained that in this operation, his party was only limited to giving a warning, not taking action. However, it will still take action in certain situations.

"The Zebra Jaya operation this time puts more emphasis on preventive efforts rather than repression or prosecution. Members are more humane in giving warnings. And if it can be dangerous for motorists, repressive efforts in the form of ticketing will be carried out by officers,".

He added that the target for the violation is the use of noisy exhausts, in accordance with Article 285 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 106 paragraph 3 with a month's imprisonment a maximum fine of Rp. 250,000. . Finally, illegal racing, according to Article 287 Jo Article 115 letter B, imprisonment for a year and a fine of Rp. 3 million.

"This operation is still in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, so we continue to prioritize health protocols as well as provide socialization of appeals and directly distribute masks to pedestrians and use motorized vehicles on the road," he said.

He admitted that the operation was carried out mobile and not stationary.

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