JAKARTA - The police arrested six suspects in the robbery of Rp400 million in cash belonging to a bank customer at Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK), Penjaringan, North Jakarta. Where, some of them are recidivist.

"Six perpetrators with a flat tire mode," said the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Brigadier General Yusri Yunus to reporters, Monday, November 15.

The suspects had the initials FA, NJS, RA, N, A and AR. They have different roles and are captured differently.

"Two perpetrators are detained in Lampung and will coordinate with the Lampung Regional Police while the four perpetrators are arrested here," said Yusri.

For the role of each suspect, Yusri continued, the suspects FA and NJS were the executor. They are also recidivist of similar cases in Cirebon and Cibinong.

Then, the suspect was RA and acted as a supervisor. They act by treating potential victims in the bank and conveying them to their colleagues.

Meanwhile, two A and R play a role in monitoring and selecting victims. So, they have to find the right target.

"(Suspect) A monitors the victim at the bank and AR is tasked with entering the bank to find targets who take big money," said Yusri.

With the arrest of the suspects, they are charged with multiple articles. They were charged with Article 365, 363 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 9 years in prison.

Previously, the Polda Metro Jaya intervened to investigate a case of robbery in cash of Rp. 400 million in the Pantai Indah Kapuk area, North Jakarta. From the results of the investigation, the group of robbers used the tire burst mode.

The robbery was carried out by the perpetrator while the victim was driving with cash, on November 10.

"This mode (tire burst) is often used. Victims are followed and looked for when the victim is off guard," said Deputy Director General of the Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Jerry Siagian.

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