JAKARTA - DPD RI members from Committee III appreciate the hospital digitization system in Central Java. According to them, the hospital digitization system is very helpful for the community to get excellent health services.

This was conveyed by the Chairman of Committee III DPD RI, Sylviana Murni when leading DPD RI members on a working visit to Central Java, Monday (15/11). According to the former cawagub of DKI, they came to supervise hospital services in Central Java.

"Kani came to ask how the hospital management in Central Java was doing. Is the digitization system already running. And it turns out, the hospital digitization system in Central Java is already running and health management in Central Java is good," he said.

The hospital digitization system, he continued, is very important to provide convenience to the community. Those who will seek treatment, do not need to be bothered and confused about accessing existing health facilities.

"For example, if there is an empty bed, they know where. The doctor who practices, where is the referral, how is the BPJS. All the information is well recorded here," he explained.

The visit is also a way of comparison with other regions. Because, Committee III DPD RI comes from 34 provinces in Indonesia.

"So these friends will take them to their respective electoral districts. If there are good things in Central Java, we will definitely bring them to our respective regions," he explained.

In addition to the supervision of hospital services, Sylviana also said that they came to review the vaccination services. He said he would coordinate directly with the Ministry of Health regarding the achievement of vaccination in Central Java which was only 60 percent.

"Of course we will ask the Ministry of Health, why the vaccination in Central Java has not been completed. In fact, for several cities in Central Java, some have reached 100 percent. We will follow up later at the center," he concluded.

Meanwhile, the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo in his presentation explained, Central Java has a total of 320 general hospitals and special hospitals. In addition, in Central Java there are also 36 other privately owned special hospitals.

"Regarding digitization, we have done that. We really challenge our hospitals to continue to innovate services to the community. And thank God, the hospital digitization system in Central Java has become a national champion," he said.

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