JAKARTA - Two groups of teenagers were involved in a brawl in Rawa Badung Village, Jatinegara Village, Cakung, East Jakarta.

As a result of the brawl, one teenager died after his body was stuck with a sharp weapon, while another was in critical condition.

Ironically, the brawlers actually recorded the violent scene using their cell phones. Seen, the action of attacking each other using sharp weapons and firecrackers took place fiercely.

The brawl was known through a video that was widely distributed in WhatsApp groups and social media. The video was later accepted by the media crew.

Screen capture video of the brawl in Cakung that killed one person

In the video, a number of youths are seen carrying long sickles and then running to attack their opponents.

Several youths threw firecrackers. The brawl occurred until the T-junction of PIK Milling Street.

Then the perpetrators returned to waiting at the intersection around the red bridge. The video also shows blood splatter.

According to Muhammad Kiflin, one of the eyewitnesses of the incident, this brawl was not carried out by local youth.

"The brawlers come from other areas," he said, Monday, November 15.

This brawl has happened many times. Similar brawls have happened before. Yamin, the head of the local RT, confirmed that there was a brawl. But when he arrived at the location, the brawlers had already dispersed.

"One person died and another was stabbed. The motive for the brawl is not yet known. Residents are worried, afraid that this brawl will happen again," he said.

Screen capture of the brawl in Cakung that killed one person

Separately, the Cakung Sector Police Chief, Kompol Satria Darman, confirmed that there were deaths and one person injured as a result of the brawl. Until now, Satria has not been able to detail the victim and the alleged cause of the incident. He just made sure that he was still looking for the perpetrators of the brawl.

"One was injured, one died. We are still looking for the perpetrators," he said.

Satria said, for the victims who were reported to have died, they were at the Resti Mulya Mother and Child Hospital (RSIA), Grinding, East Jakarta.

"Now we are developing, the perpetrators are in pursuit," he said.

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