JAKARTA - The tank fire in the refinery area of PT Pertamina International Refinery (KPI) Unit Cilacap, Central Java was successfully extinguished.

"Information that at 23.05, the fire had been extinguished and cooling continues," said PT Pertamina International Refinery Corporate Secretary Ifki Sukarya when contacted by VOI, Saturday, November 14.

Ifki added, residents who had fled have gradually returned to their respective homes. "Gradually, the residents have returned," he said.

Pertamina previously evacuated 80 residents in Lomanis village, Central Cilacap. Residents occupy the Lomanis Village Hall and Baitul Munir Mosque.

For extinguishing efforts in the fire area, Pertamina maximizes defensive fire fighting with fire trucks and hydrants as well as cooling in the area around the tank. Ifki explained, the fire spread in the tank containing Pertalite at 19.20 WIB earlier.

The Cilacap refinery is one of 6 Pertamina refineries with a processing capacity of 270 thousand barrels per day. This refinery has 228 tanks to accommodate crude to be processed, gas and fuel from crude oil processing.

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