JAKARTA - Investigators at the Attorney General's Office (AGO) have investigated Majidah Baharuddin, wife of A Yuniarsyah Hasan, a suspect in the alleged corruption case in the purchase of natural gas by BUMD, the Regional Mining and Energy Company (PDPDE) for South Sumatra Gas 2010-2019.

Majidah was examined in her capacity as a witness, the investigator asked for her statement regarding the flow of money against the suspect Yuniarsyah.

"Yes, normally, if the wife is asked about assets," said the Director of Investigation of the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Dirdik JAMPidsus) at the Attorney General's Office, Supard, quoted by Antara, Friday, November 12.

A Yuniarsyah Hasan as Director of PT Dika Karya Lintas Nusa (DKLN) concurrently Director of PT PDPDE Gas was named a suspect along with three other people, namely Alex Noedin, former Governor of South Sumatra, Muddai Mandang, as Director of PT Dika Karya Lintas Nusa (DKLN) concurrently Director The President of the South Sumatra PDPDE and the former Director of the South Sumatran PDPDE Caca Isa Saleh S. There are four suspects in total.

Previously, the investigators at the AGO Roundhouse had also examined Eliza, the wife of Alex Noerdin, on Tuesday, November 9.

In this case, investigators have confiscated the assets of the suspects, in the form of land and buildings, including freezing accounts.

"AYH's assets have been confiscated, only the permits have not been issued yet. His assets are in the form of land in Pelembang," said Supardi.

Investigators apply Article 2 Paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 18 of the Corruption Eradication Law (PTPK) in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) of the 1st KUHP subsidiary Article 3 and Article 18 of the PTPK Law in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) of the 1st KUHP, to the four suspects.

So far, the AGO has only applied the ML article to three suspects, except for Alex Noerdin.

Investigators also began to confiscate some assets in the form of land from the three suspects. The expanse of land is located in Bekasi, Bogor, Bandung, to Musi Banyuasin. Currently, it is requesting the confiscation to the court.

From the calculation of the Financial Audit Agency (BPK), the state financial loss in this case amounted to 30 million US dollars.

The nominal is derived from the revenue from gas sales minus operating costs for 2010-2019. Meanwhile, other losses amounting to US$63,750 and Rp2.131 billion were paid in capital that should not have been paid by PDPDE Gas Sumsel.

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