BANYUWANGI - The Banyuwangi Police Team, East Java, arrested the perpetrator of the cosmetic theft that went viral a few days ago. The perpetrator who was arrested was named Abraham Sinanu (51).

Head of the Banyuwangi Police Criminal Investigation Unit, AKP Mustijat Priyambodo, said the perpetrator was a recidivist who had gone back and forth to prison. It is recorded that the man has been in jail 4 times.

In 2009, the perpetrator was imprisoned in Denpasar Grobokan prison for a theft case. In 2009, 2017 and 2019 he was again thrown into prison for being a collector of criminal goods.

"In Banyuwangi, it was revealed that the theft carried out by the perpetrators was not only at a cosmetic shop. It turned out that last September this perpetrator had also visited a shop and took dozens of cigarettes located in the Sumberrejo village, Banyuwangi," said Mustijat, Friday, November 12.

In the cosmetic theft case, said Mustijat, the police are still hunting for someone suspected of being a trafficker.

"Because after the stolen item was taken, the perpetrator called someone saying that the cosmetic message was already there. Then the item was brought by someone who is still at large," he said.

As a result of the theft, each store suffered losses of up to tens of millions of rupiah.

"Cosmetic shops suffered losses of up to Rp. 33 million more and grocery stores whose cigarettes were taken suffered losses of up to Rp. 10 million," he said.

The perpetrator, said Mustijat, was charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code for theft of weight with a threat of 7 years in prison.

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