CIREBON - The Cirebon City Government, West Java, immediately conducted a mass swab test to students in 30 schools in order to evaluate the implementation of limited face-to-face learning (PTM).

"We will conduct mass swab tests to students in 30 schools," said Head of the Cirebon City Health Service (Dinkes) Edy Sugiarto in Cirebon, Antara, Wednesday, November 10.

Edy said the 30 schools consisted of elementary school (SD) to high school (SMA) levels in Cirebon City.

A mass swab test will be held next week. If at the time of the test there is less than one percent positive for COVID-19, then his party will only stop learning in one class.

"If we find students who are positive zero to one percent, we will only stop the study group or class. PTM in schools continues to run," he said.

Edy added that he would dissolve a limited PTM when students who were confirmed positive for COVID-19 reached one to five percent.

"If anyone is positive, they must undergo isolation. The sample of schools is based on population and region," he said.

Meanwhile, Cirebon City Secretary (Sekda) Agus Mulyadi said the 30 schools targeted for the swab test came from various levels and would target 10 percent of the total number of students in each school.

This is different from the picking test activity conducted a few weeks ago, where each school had 100 students each.

"If SMP 1 has 1,200 students, the sample is 120 students," he said.

Agus added that the mass swab test was carried out by the Cirebon City Government, in order to detect the spread of COVID-19 during limited PTM.

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