JAKARTA - The residents of Temurejo Blora Village were immediately excited when the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo arrived at the village, Wednesday, November 10. As soon as they found out that Ganjar was holding a Hero's Day ceremony, they deliberately didn't go to the fields to meet the number one person in Central Java.

Reporting from jatengprov.go.id, they were seen running around holding their children or grandchildren. The clothes worn are also modest. Most of them wear negligee, with colorful motifs and patterns.

Because the ceremony was held in a limited manner according to health protocols, the women in gowns could only watch from a distance. But their curiosity paid off completely, when Ganjar approached them after the ceremony was held.

“Pak Ganjar, here sir… Sir, take a photo, sir, oh my God, thank you for coming to our village,” the mother shouted, Wednesday, November 10.

Ganjar also warmly greeted the enthusiastic residents. Seeing many small children, Ganjar asked his aide to take toys from his private car. He immediately distributed the toy to all the small children who were there.

"What toy do you want, this is a doll. Oh this is a man, do you have this toy car or not? There is gangsing. Come on, don't fight over it," said Ganjar while distributing his toys.

One of the residents, Kasmi (53) said, since yesterday his village was excited by the news of Ganjar's arrival. Residents who usually go to the fields, deliberately take a day off to meet Ganjar.

“Since yesterday there has been an uproar, I thought it was 8 o'clock, it turned out that it was 7 o'clock. That's why I was in a hurry, until I ran to meet Pak Ganjar," he said.

Kasmi was so proud to have her village visited by the number one person in Central Java. Moreover, Ganjar also held a Hero's Day ceremony, which was the first time it had been held in his village.

“There has never been a ceremony here, only this time. Yes, I am very happy, happy to be visited by Mr. Ganjar directly, "he added.

The same thing was conveyed by Suci (29), another Temurejo resident. He also confirmed that this was the first time there was a ceremony in his village. Moreover, the ceremony was led directly by Ganjar.

“I feel proud that Pak Ganjar can come to our village. The hope is to make our village progress. This invites the children to know Pak Ganjar," he said.

Suci also said that she was happy with Ganjar's plan to build the Pocut Meurah Intan tomb in his village. According to him, it can make the hero's grave more famous and many visitors come

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