JEMBER - A number of factions in the Jember Regency DPRD highlighted the policy of the Regent of Jember Hendy Siswanto to recruit 4,328 prospective civil servants (CPNS) and government employees with work agreements (PPPK) which resulted in the 2022 APBD experiencing a deficit of IDR 586 billion.

The factions in the Jember DPRD conveyed their general views on the introductory note on the Draft Regional Regulation (Raperda) of the 2022 APBD, in the main meeting room of the Jember DPRD, East Java, Tuesday, November 9.

"There are still policies that are carried out that are not based on the results of an in-depth study which can be seen from the ASN quota of 4,328 people taken by the Jember Regency Government without considering the regional financial strength," said spokesman for the National Awakening Faction (FKB) Mufid in a plenary meeting at the Jember DPRD. .

According to him, the Regent and Deputy Regent of Jember should take the priority scale for ASN positions that are really needed and urgent, because as a result of this policy, the Jember Regency Government in the 2022 budget year must prepare a budget of almost Rp. 200 billion.

"Even though the current fiscal condition is getting tougher, the pandemic is not clear when it will end and the central government has not allocated a special budget for ASN salaries," he said.

The same thing was conveyed by the spokesman for the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) faction, Mangku Budi Heri Wibowo, who assessed that the recruitment of ASN by the Regent only burdened the fiscal policy of the Jember Regency Government in the future, considering that sometimes the central government hands off regarding the salaries of CPNS and PPPK that have been recruited.

"The number of ASN Jember cannot be said to be small and there are still many public criticisms of the productivity and services of ASN. The Regent must be able to change the situation," he also said.

Spokesman for the Indonesian Berkarya Movement faction, Ardi Pujo, said that the fiscal space is very limited and increasingly difficult, so he hopes that the central government can provide additional general allocation funds (DAU), one of which is to meet the increasing needs for mandatory expenditures.

"The DPRD and the Jember Regency Government have agreed to allocate a new ASN salary budget in the upcoming 2022 APBD," he said.

Regional revenues in the 2022 Jember RAPBD compared to the early 2021 APBD are projected to increase by Rp. 103.03 billion or 2.78 percent, from Rp. 3.70 trillion to Rp. 3.81 trillion.

Meanwhile, regional spending in the 2022 RAPBD when compared to the early 2021 APBD is planned to decrease by IDR 39.05 billion or 0.01 percent, from IDR 4.44 trillion to IDR 4.39 trillion.

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