MAKASSAR - Acting Governor of South Sulawesi Andi Sudirman Sulaiman, requires state civil servants (ASN) under his government to read the Qur'an before starting work. Then they are also required to hold congregational prayers when they hear the call to prayer.

This rule is stated in the circular letter of the Acting Governor of South Sulawesi number 451/10533/B.KESRA regarding the call for the Congregational Prayer Movement and Al-Qur'an Literacy for ASN (State Civil Apparatus) who are Muslim in the scope of the South Sulawesi Provincial Government.

In response to this, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of South Sulawesi welcomed the circular letter of Acting Governor Andi Sudirman.

"We from MUI support the appeal of the Acting Governor of South Sulawesi to pray in congregation and read the Qur'an at least two pages per day before starting work," said General Chairperson of the South Sulawesi MUI Prof Dr KH Najmuddin in Makassar, reported by Antara, Tuesday, November 9.

Then, MUI also appealed to all Muslims to cultivate the Maghrib Recitation with the Family (MMBK). Previously, the General Secretary of the South Sulawesi MUI KH Muammar Bakry also said that the Acting Governor of South Sulawesi's policy was an effort to foster Islamic tradition and culture within the South Sulawesi Provincial Government.

In addition, said Muammar, this step can bring Muslims closer to the holy book Al-Qur'an.

"As long as it's for goodness sake and the circular is specifically aimed at Muslims, I think it's a good tradition. It's called Islamic tradition and culture," he said.

Although this is not contained in the hadith or in the verses of the Qur'an, said Muammar, this is a good practice to get used to and cultivate in order to bring Muslims closer to our holy book, the Qur'an.

There are two points of appeal in the circular. It was stated that the circular was in order to support the South Sulawesi Provincial Government's program for mental and spiritual development, and to increase faith and piety to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The first point is mentioned, urging all ASN who are Muslim within the scope of the South Sulawesi Provincial Government to read the Qur'an at least two pages per day before starting work.

In the next appeal, stop all activities when the call to prayer echoes and immediately carry out fardhu prayers in congregation at the nearest mosque/musallah.

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