JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, explained that five provinces recorded an increase in COVID-19 cases over the past week.

The increase in cases in these five provinces occurred when the national scale of case records decreased by 12.2 percent compared to last week.

Provinces that experienced the highest increase in positive cases compared to the previous week were West Papua with 100 cases, DI Yogyakarta with 77 cases, DKI Jakarta with 46 cases, Southeast Sulawesi with 7 cases, and the islands of Bangka Belitung with 5 cases.

"Although this increase is relatively small, it must be observed because it is large compared to other provinces that have not experienced an increase in cases," said Wiku in a virtual press conference, Tuesday, November 9.

Therefore, Wiku asked all governors from the five provinces to immediately coordinate with the regents and mayors under him to anticipate an increase in cases in the following week, as well as increase the prevention of COVID-19 transmission in his area.

In addition, Wiku also explained that there are five provinces with the highest number of active cases at this time, namely Central Java with 1,650 cases, Papua with 1,529 cases, West Java with 1,568 cases, DKI Jakarta with 1,536 cases, and North Kalimantan with 738 active cases. "To the governors of these five provinces, please remember that these provinces are the largest contributors of active cases at the national level. Please immediately coordinate with regents and mayors who are the highest contributors," said Wiku.

There are five provinces that continue to record an increase in the death toll this week, namely North Sulawesi with 5 deaths, West Sumatra with 3 deaths, South Sulawesi with 2 deaths, Riau with 2 deaths, and West Kalimantan with 1 death.

"This number may be said to be very small. No more than 5 people died in 1 week. However, we must still realize that even 1 life is very valuable," said Wiku.

Therefore, Wiku asked the governors of these 5 provinces to continue to coordinate with the regents and mayors under them to improve services for COVID-19 patients, especially for moderate and severe symptoms.

"If these three indicators are good, positive cases, deaths, and active cases can be immediately reduced, then the development of COVID-19 cases at the national level will improve and we will be more prepared towards a COVID-19 endemic," he concluded.

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