SURABAYA - The Anti-Terror Detachment 88 Team again found other evidence at the residence of the suspected terrorist in Gresik Regency. One of them is camping equipment such as tents and clothes.

"The officers found tents and clothes for the person concerned. Tents for camping," said AW, the brother-in-law of the suspected US terrorist, confirmed on Tuesday, November 9.

Previously, said AW, the Densus Team had also brought several other items such as laptops and jihad books. The items were found at the residence of AS, on Jalan Granit Kumala III, Perumnas Kota Baru Driyorejo (KBD) Petiken Village, Driyorejo District, Gresik Regency.

"The items were found by Densus officers during another search this afternoon," he said.

After the search, continued AW, his brother-in-law was immediately taken by officers to the Driyorejo Police Station, and then to the East Java Police.

"He said he was still at the Polsek. Then he was taken to the Polda, but we don't know for sure where to take him," he said.

AW also confirmed that the suspected US terrorist was secured by the Densus 88 Team at around 08.00 WIB, after taking his son to school.

"Yes, at around eight this morning. After taking his son to school. His daily work concerned, yes, laptop service," he said.

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