JAKARTA - The interruption of the PKS faction member, Fahmy Alaydroes, in the DPR plenary session which became a polemic was considered part of the opposition faction's communication strategy to get public attention.

Because, if you only rely on the weak political power in the current parliament, the voice of PKS will not be heard by the wider community.

"In simple language, this is a 'find the stage' strategy, because PKS is aware that their political power is weak in the DPR RI, the opposition faction is also weak. If we look at it, this is not the first time PKS has used an interruption in the plenary session to include another agenda," said the communication teacher. University of Indonesia politics, Ari Junaedi, Tuesday 9 November.

Of the 575 members of the DPR RI, the number of members of the opposition faction in the DPR is only 104 members (18 percent). In detail, there are 50 PKS factions and 54 Democrats. Very unequal with the faction supporting the government, which amounts to more than 80 percent.

According to Ari, if the PKS faction relies on the political power of the opposition to carry out their own agenda, it is quite difficult. Especially if the agenda is not approved or against the flow of the majority faction supporting the government.

"If the political power of PKS and the opposition is strong, they can include the agenda that will be carried (the Permendikbud issue) to the plenary meeting at the Deliberative Body meeting. But they can't because they are too weak, so they can't propose any other agenda besides the approval of the approved TNI Commander candidate. the majority of the factions," said Ari.

"Moreover, the agenda of the plenary meeting is the ratification of the approval of the candidate for the TNI commander who has passed the fit and proper test at Commission I," added Ari.

Because they cannot rely on political power in the parliament, Ari continued, the PKS faction uses interrupts in the plenary session.

"Because they know that at the plenary meeting there are many cameras, the exposure to media coverage is high, and PKS is well aware that this is a shortcut to get public attention," he added.

Furthermore, Ari assessed that the act of looking for a stage through Fahmy Alaydroes's interruption was legitimate as a communication strategy for the weak opposition in parliament. However, the interruption should prioritize political ethics.

“These political grunts are not only politically sound, they also appear to be brokenhearted, because their party's political power is too weak to propose an agenda. I call it grumbling because what was said ad hominem did not fit the context," said Ari.

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