JAKARTA - Sad news came from the Democratic Party, where the oldest member of the DPR from the constituency of North Sumatra, Abdul Wahab Dalimunthe, died.

The former chairman of the DPRD for the Province of North Sumatra breathed his last at the Columbia Asia Hospital, Monday, November 8.

The news was confirmed by the Acting Chairperson of the North Sumatra Democratic Party DPD, Herri Zulkarnain Hutajulu.

"That's right," he was quoted as saying by Antara.

Herri also prayed that the deceased would be accepted by Allah SWT and the bereaved family would endure the grief.

Abdul Wahab Dalimunthe is planned to be buried at the funeral home, Taman Setia Budi Indah complex, Medan. andika-extended-jokow

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Abdul Wahab Dalimunthe was born January 10, 1939. He is a figure who started his career as a bureaucrat and continued his career in politics.

He served as Regional Secretary for Labuhan Batu Regency (1967–1980). Then served as Regional Secretary of North Sumatra Province (1996–1998)

Then he became Deputy Governor of North Sumatra (1998–2003). Subsequently served as Chairman of the DPRD of North Sumatra Province (2004–2009).

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