JAKARTA - West Jakarta Metro Police Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, Kompol Joko Dwi Harsono, explained that his party had coordinated with the National Police Laboratory for the explosion at the home of Papuan Human Rights (HAM) activist Veronica Koman.

"The confiscated evidence contained pieces of paper, red paint or plastic filled with red paint. Then we found the cable and the battery were also there," said the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit to reporters, Monday, November 8, afternoon.

After processing the crime scene (TKP), the evidence was taken to the West Jakarta Police Headquarters.

"We have secured evidence or objects that we suspect at the crime scene, then we take them to the West Jakarta Police for analysis," he said.

However, when asked about the background of the incident, Kasat could not confirm the motive behind it.

"We don't know the motive of the perpetrator yet, we are still investigating. But it was intentional, someone did it," he said.

As of Monday afternoon, investigators from the West Jakarta Metro Health Center Criminal Investigation Unit are still gathering information from eyewitnesses to the incident.

"We have examined five witnesses, including the house owner, assistant and local security," he said.

Despite confirming the sound of an explosion, Kasat confirmed that the explosion was a small explosion.

"There was no damage or casualties, either injured or dead. You could say a low explosion or low," he explained.

As is known, from the scene of the incident a letter was also found in the garage of the house containing the following message:

"Warning!!! If the Police and Apparatus at home and abroad can't arrest Veronika Kuman @Hero Losers and Cowards, We are Called to Scorch Earth Wherever You Are Hiding. Nor Your Protector Group".

"Yes, at the crime scene, we found a paper with writing that marked such a threat," said Joko.

The West Jakarta Metro Police are still conducting inspections and analyzing the incident related to the explosion.

"We suspect that there are indeed two people who are suspected of committing this act. From CCTV observations, we see that two people are indeed using motorbikes. Yes, they threw them behind the fence," explained Joko.

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