JAKARTA - KAI Commuter stated that trips on the Pondok Ranji-Kebayoran and Rangkasbitung-Tanah Abang routes could not operate for the time being. Because on both routes there are flood points.

The statement was in response to a viral video uploaded by the Instagram account @jktinfo. Where, the video shows the train cannot pass because of the flood.

"Until now, the journey across Pondok Ranji - Kebayoran is still constrained by the presence of puddles on the rail line. One series of trains, namely KA 2103, the Rangkasbitung-Tanah Abang connection is also waiting for it to be safe to cross the location," said KAI Commuter External Relations Manager Adli Hakim in his statement, Sunday. , November 7th.

Meanwhile, for trips in the opposite direction or Kebayoran-Pondok Ranji, they will continue to operate. But with limited speed due to the flood

"Currently officers in the field are trying to overcome these obstacles," said Adli.

With these obstacles, Adli continued, his party has engineered the train route. So, the passengers can reach their destination.

"Operational engineering is to arrange KA 2097 for the Rangkasbitung-Tanah Abang relation to Pondok Ranji - Serpong, and KA 2099 for the Parungpanjang-Tanah Abang relation to become Pondok Ranji - Rangkasbitung," said Adli.

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