JAKARTA - Commission I of the DPR conducted factual verification by visiting General Andika Perkasa's house this afternoon. This visit is a follow-up process after holding a fit and proper test or a fit and proper test for the candidate for the TNI Commander.

Member of Commission I of the DPR, Bobby A Rizaldi, explained that the defense commission's visit to General Andika's residence in Senayan, South Jakarta, was to stay in touch. At the same time, look at the daily life of the Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) who will become the TNI Commander.

"The House of Representatives Commission I will visit the residence of General TNI Andika Perkasa as part of the factual verification of the candidate for TNI commander in chief," Bobby said in Jakarta, Sunday, November 7.

"Yes, one of the goals is to stay in touch with family, see the daily life of the prospective TNI commander, and see the house they live in according to the LHKPN," he continued.

The Golkar politician revealed that only a few leaders and members of Commission I of the DPR visited Andika's residence. The reason is because of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the news, only 14 people participated, namely 5 leaders and 9 Kaposi.

"Yes, only two people per faction," he said.

Commission I of the DPR has approved General Andika Perkasa to become the TNI Commander after a fit and proper test on Andika.

"Giving approval for the appointment of the Candidate for the Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, General Andika Perkasa, as the Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces," said Chairman of Commission I of the House of Representatives Meutya Hafid, Saturday, November 6.

After it was approved, General Andika also thanked him. That way, the fit and proper test is complete and the results will be immediately brought to the plenary session on Monday, November 8.

"I thank you, ladies and gentlemen, thank you," said Andika.

Furthermore, the approval letter that has been signed by the leadership of Commission I will be brought to the DPR plenary meeting which is planned to be held on Monday, November 8.

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