JAKARTA - The Central Mosque of Glasgow, Scotland will become one of the greenest mosques in the world, thanks to a joint project by Greenpeace and Islamic Relief, the mosque said Thursday.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency during the COP26 Climate Change Summit, Mosque Secretary General Irfan Rezzaq said the mosque was one of the selected in this environmental project.

In addition to the Glasgow Central Mosque, the other mosques selected were the Grand Mosque, the Prophet's Mosque and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, three mosques that have close ties to Islam.

Rezzaq said they were installing solar energy panels in mosques and this would 'reduce energy consumption by 23 percent.

"Glasgow Central Mosque has taken on several green projects, including converting all light bulbs to LED lights, introducing cycling clubs, and carpooling to reduce emissions," he explained quoting Anadolu Agency's Yenisafak November 5.

"In addition to improving overall energy efficiency, the new solar panels will "encourage people" to think about energy savings," he continued.

Furthermore, Rezzaq said, they will increase community members' awareness of the environment through these projects.

Talking about the large gardens adjacent to the mosque, Rezzaq explained they have great potential for growing vegetables and fruits, while reducing emissions caused by spending on mosques.

This eco-friendly mosque project coincides with the holding of the UN Climate Change Conference COP26 in the city.

To note, world leaders convened in the city on the first two days of the conference, made announcements agreeing to reduce carbon and methane emissions, funding the transition needed to combat the climate crisis.

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