JAKARTA - The Tasikmalaya City Government is ready to tighten the arrival of people from outside the city or new arrivals during the Christmas and New Year holidays to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak in Tasikmalaya, West Java.

"There is also a possibility of tightening the number of arrivals at Nataru (Christmas and New Year's Day), we will discuss it together with the Forkopimda," Tasikmalaya Mayor Muhammad Yusuf told reporters in Tasikmalaya, Friday.

He said the Tasikmalaya City Government had made preparations to anticipate an increase in COVID-19 cases during the Christmas and New Year holiday season.

One of them, he continued, is by continuing to apply the odd-even rule for motorized vehicles to limit the mobilization of people so that there are no crowds in Tasikmalaya City.

"The president has also given a warning, we will continue to do odd-even to break down mobility," he said.

He added that prevention efforts against the threat of the COVID-19 outbreak were not only carried out during the momentum of the Christmas and New Year holidays, but would continue until it was confirmed that the pandemic was over.

"This will continue until the pandemic is over, we will still be on standby," he said.

In addition to preventing the spread, he said, his party also continues to accelerate the achievement of vaccinations for all people, especially the elderly vaccine target, which is currently only 33 percent.

Yusuf conveyed that the overall achievement of COVID-19 vaccination in Tasikmalaya City was 50 percent dose one, but could not enter level 2 of the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) because the elderly's achievement was not yet 40 percent.

"Our overall dose of vaccine is already above 50 percent, but for the elderly it is still around 33 percent, if the elderly are 40 percent, we can only reach level 2," he said.

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