JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) said that the recent strong winds had triggered the potential for high waves in several Indonesian waters.

"Related to these high waves, there are currently strong gusts of wind. The observed waves with strong winds are in several areas," said Head of the BMKG Maritime Meteorology Center, Eko Prasetyo when contacted in Jakarta, Antara, Friday, November 5.

Eko said the high wave potential was caused by the wind pattern in the northern part of Indonesia moving from northwest to northeast with wind speeds ranging from five to 24 knots.

As a result, there are several water areas that are predicted to start from 6 to 7 November 2021, having high wave potential with an estimated height of 2.5 to 4.0 meters.

Some areas that are predicted to have the potential for high waves of 2.5 to 4.0 meters are the southern Sunda Strait, southern Bali Strait and southern Lombok Strait.

Eko said there are a number of areas that have the potential to have waves of medium height, namely 1.25 to 2.5 meters. Some of these areas are the southern part of the Sape Strait, the waters of Kupang to Rote Island, the Arafuru Sea, the Maluku Sea, the northern waters of West Papua and the waters of Biak to Jayapura.

"Those are the areas that we need to pay attention to first," said Eko.

According to Eko, with the potential for high waves, people need to know the maximum tide phase of sea water, especially people who live in coastal areas to anticipate heavy rains.

By understanding the maximum tide phase of seawater, the community is able to anticipate rainwater which can hinder the flow of water into the sea area due to obstruction of drainage, causing inundation until river water overflows.

For coastal communities, Eko asked to inspect and adjust the ship owned by the weather conditions that will occur.

It is necessary to ensure that the vessels owned are safe and comfortable with the wave situation in their respective areas. If they cannot adapt, people are advised not to go to sea (go to sea).

"Secondly, plan sailing activities before going to sea by monitoring information from the BMKG regarding wind and sea waves," he said.

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