JAKARTA - The government is trying to eradicate the circulation of counterfeit goods in Indonesia. One of the efforts made is to establish a Task Force for Management of the Status Priority Watch List (PWL). Because, Indonesia is considered as a country that has a fairly severe violation of intellectual property (KI).

Head of Sub-Directorate for Prevention and Dispute Resolution of DJKI Ahmad Rifadi explained that the current enforcement of IP law is the government's concern in eradicating the circulation of counterfeit goods in Indonesia. Moreover, said Rifadi, Indonesia holds the Priority Watch List (PWL) status released by the United States Trade Representative (USTR) because it is considered a country that has quite serious IP violations.

"The government has formed a Task Force for Managing PWL Status as a commitment to leave PWL," said Rifadi, through an official statement received by VOI, Friday, November 5.

In an effort to make it easier for the government to crack down on counterfeit goods entering Indonesian territory, Rifadi suggested to KI owners to make records to the Directorate General of Customs and Excise.

Customs officers open imported goods containing fake ballpoint pens from China/ Photo: DOK. DJBC

"The government hopes that KI owners will immediately make records so that customs officers can make arrests if they find imported counterfeit goods," said Rifadi.

Recording is a recording made by customs on products or goods that already have IP protection. This record system will provide notification to the right holder if it is suspected that an import or export violates KI.

"With the record, Customs and Excise can support the protection of local brands from the threat of counterfeit goods entering from abroad," concluded Anton Martin, Head of KPPBC TMP Tanjung Emas.

Previously, in early January 2020, DJKI and Customs and Excise also took action against import violations on 858,240 ballpoint pen products. The firm stance taken by DJKI and Customs and Excise received appreciation from PT Standardpen Industries.

Project Manager of PT Standardpen Industries, Marsudi, appreciates the government's success in thwarting illegal imports that have harmed the company.

"Thank you government for helping us save the brand that we have built for 50 years," said Marsudi.

In a different place, Anom Wibowo, Head of the Operational Task Force for PWL Status, met with USTR at the Indonesian Embassy in the United States to explain the real actions that Indonesia had taken in enforcing intellectual property law.

"The Ops Task Force will continue to communicate with USTR and take concrete actions on the ground because we are serious about getting out of the Priority Watch List status," said Anom.

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